

Privacy Policy


To access and use our website and services, it’s important to carefully read our Privacy Policy. This will help you understand how and why we use your personal data.


About this Policy

This Privacy Policy is issued for OurMarketplace.Ph (“OurMarketplace.Ph”, “we”, “us” or “our”). OurMarketplace.Ph collect and uses personal data about individuals who browse our website or use our services. Personal data is any information that can be used, directly or indirectly, to identify you as an individual. 


Your privacy is very important to us. We understand our responsibilities to protect your personal data in an appropriate and lawful manner and per applicable data protection regulations. For any privacy queries, you can contact us at any time at: Contact Us form


What personal data do we collect and how?

OurMarketplace.Ph collects personal data and anonymous data (as outlined in this Policy). 

Information we collect directly from you

·          Information that you personally provide to us when you voluntarily enter your details into one of our free text forms and click ‘Submit’ on the ‘Contact Us Form’. This is information that personally identifies you; for the purpose of this website that is your name and email address.

·          Any additional information voluntarily placed by you into our ‘Contact Us Form’ may also be used to identify you.


Information we collect indirectly

We collect the information you give us, information from your use of our services and information we get from third parties. In some cases, information about you may be provided to us by a third party verbally or in writing.


Information we collect automatically and Cookies

We do not use cookies, web beacons or other technologies to track or monitor you when using our website. We use cookies on our websites to enhance your browsing experience and to keep the website functional. No cookies are enabled for purposes other than website functionality.


How do we use your personal data?

We will use your personal data for the following reasons:


To contact you

·          We use your information to contact you when you submit the contact us form. 


To improve our services

·          Our website may utilize your information to optimize your browsing experience and provide content in the most efficient manner possible.


To keep our services secure

·          Your information may be used to detect, investigate, prevent fraud and rectify potential errors of our technology and against potential cyber-attacks or other abuse of our technology, and to prevent or mitigate any damages that may have been caused by such abuse. 

·          While we take steps to maintain the security of your information, you should be aware of the many information security risks that exist and take appropriate care to help safeguard your information. 


Legal obligations

·          We may have to process your information to comply with legal or regulatory obligations, where required by applicable law. Information may be used to:

·          enforce our terms and conditions and other agreements, policies, and standards, including investigation of any potential violation; 

·          detect, prevent or otherwise address security, fraud or technical issues; 

·          protect the rights, property or safety of us, our users, a third party or the public as required or permitted by law 


Business analysis

·          We may use your information for business purposes; for example, to conduct data analytics to assess consumer demands and trends.


Aggregated or anonymised data

·          We may use your information to compile aggregated or anonymized data (data which does not identify you as an individual, such as statistical or demographic data), so that we can analyse and improve our products and services.


What is the legal basis for processing your personal data?

We usually process your data when you request to engage with us for communication purposes. If we need to process your information for other reasons, we will do so based on one of the following grounds:

·          based on your explicit consent for us to do so (for example, when you contact us);

·          as required to comply with relevant legal or regulatory obligations (for example, to resolve disputes); or

·          we process your personal information to support our legitimate business interests such as market research, analytics and preventing unlawful behaviour. We always ensure that this processing is done in a way that respects your privacy rights.


Who do we disclose your personal data with?

Third parties

We may share your information with third parties who provide a service to us, for example, IT companies (e.g. hosting providers). We do this where it is necessary for the service provider to have access to your information and solely for the purpose of them delivering that service to us. An example of this is when you submit the Contact Us Form. 


We may also disclose your personal data:

·          We may share your information with our group companies if it is necessary to provide you with efficient services, such as answering your inquiries

·          We may also share your information if required by law or in response to legitimate requests from government or supervisory agencies.

·          In the event that we sell or merge part of our business, we may transfer your information to the acquiring company.


We only share the information that is necessary for the required purpose so we do not disclose all of the information you provide to us and we do not sell, rent or lease your personal information to third parties under any circumstances.


Aggregated or anonymized data may be shared with our service providers, affiliates or other third parties for the purpose of analytics and to improve products and services.



We take measures to protect your information, but we cannot guarantee complete security. Any transmission of information is at your own risk.


We store your personal data in a centralized database hosted in the cloud. 



Unless otherwise required by applicable law, we will retain your information for as long as is necessary for the relevant purpose outlined in this Privacy Policy. If you register an enquiry with us via the Contact Us Forms, your information will be retained for as long as required or for an additional period to administer any requests concerning your enquiry, or in accordance with our legal obligations including where it is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.


How you can control your personal data

If you want to remove your information, you can contact us and make a request. We will do our best to comply with your request, if possible.

If at any time you wish to unsubscribe from any communications, we have sent you, you may do so by using the one click unsubscribe link on those communications. 

Contacting Us

For any privacy related queries, you may contact us at any time at Contact Us form.

To ensure your safety and protect your personal data from unauthorized access, we may need to verify your identity before responding to any data-related request. This may involve requesting specific information or documents from you. Please note that all information and documents provided will only be used to authenticate your identity and respond to your request.


Updates to this Privacy Policy

We may change this Privacy Policy in whole or part at any time by updating this page. Please ensure you review this page from time to time to take notice of any such changes. Your further use of our services after a change to our Privacy Policy will be subject to the updated policy.



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